5 Reasons Why You Should Learn and Master Chinese

1) One quarter of Earth's population speak Chinese.

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Not only the massive population in China, people in many other Asia countries also speak Chinese. Being fluent in Chinese simply means many more career or business opportunities.

2) Plus point in overseas college application.

Chinese has become a popular third language in many US and European colleges, surpassing French, German, etc. It will give you an edge over other applicants who cannot speak Chinese.

3) China is developing rapidly.

Almost all companies are trying to establish their business in China. Employees with working / internship experiences in China are greatly valued and paid significantly higher than those without exposure to Chinese culture and business environment.

4) It boosts your brain capacity.

It is scientifically proven that learning a language helps to boost the capacity of your brain. It is also shown that bilingual students tend to do better in their studies, as compared to those who are not bilingual.

5) It is similar to Japanese.

Once you master Chinese, you can easily pick up Japanese; vice versa. These two languages have just too many things in common.