2020 A Level & O Level Chinese Oral Exam Popular Topics

2020年 A水准 O水准 华文 口试 热门话题

How Covid-19 is impacting our life?

1. 疫情期间在家学习


1. Home-based learning during the Covid
-19 Pandemic

As the Covid-19 epidemic worsened, Singapore implemented circuit breaker measures to move to Home-based Learning. What do you think about Home-based Learning? How do you think you can adapt to Home-based Learning?

2. 图书馆转型

图书馆正在积极转型,将各种 数码科技元素融入阅读活动,以面对数码化社会的挑战,实现智慧国愿景。你对图书馆转型有何感想?

2. The transformation of libraries

The library is actively transforming and integrating various digital technology elements into reading activities to overcome the challenges of a digital society and realize the vision of a smart country. What do you think about the transformation of libraries?

3. 新冠病毒带来的商机


  • 在线医疗、医疗用品、药品、保险和健康相关行业
  • 电子商务
  • 在线娱乐
  • 在线教育
  • 远程办公相关行业
3. The business opportunities brought by the Covid-19 epidemic

While the economy and most industries are negatively impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic, some industries see new business opportunities:

  • Online medical care, medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, insurance, and health-related industries
  • E-commerce
  • Online entertainment
  • Online education
  • Telecommuting related industries

4. 全球供应链中断和本地生产的未来

新冠病毒导致各个国家采取了封锁措施,农民倾销多余粮食,消费者为短缺和价格上涨而烦恼, 威胁全球供应链。但是,贸易和工业部表示,新加坡采取了稳健和多管齐下的战略,包括审慎的库存,来源的多元化和本地生产的扩大,以确保食品和必需品供应不会受到影响。你如何看待本地农业和生产的未来?

4. Global supply chain disruptions and the future of local production

Covid-19 has threatened global supply chains as countries impose lock-down measures, farmers dump excess food, and consumers fret over shortages and price hikes. However, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) said that Singapore has a robust and multi-pronged strategy, including prudent stockpiling, diversification of sources, and the expansion of local production, to ensure food and essential supplies are not disrupted. What do you think about the future of local farming and production?